Dale Beckman
Email mailto:[email protected] visit www.dalebeckman.com Phone 1-406-443-2073
Page 2 Top Image "Electromagnetic observation #5"

Bottom Image "Seeing through the temporal"
This web site offers you a small selection of high quality digital art reproductions. I have giclee and indigo prints available. They are signed and dated and can be personalized at the time of signing. That is to say, To (your name).
The giclee prints come in two different sizes. The 18"x24" sells for $125 each and the 22"x30" sells for $185 each. The indigo prints are available only in an 8"x10" format. The indigo prints sell for $40 each. These prices include shipping, handling, and insurance within the United States of America. Framing is available and generally adds around $200 to $300 per giclee.
Please inquire.

My style is described as abstracted realism. The focus is to express the world as made up of energy. The physicist of our day have names for sub atomic particles and waves that define particular traits in the object or non-object that they are observing. At the finest degree of observation they have determined that these particles or waves or aspects of energy and matter are self aware.

This is your opportunity to collect my work. Remember you can have these images on your walls.

Dale Beckman
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