Dale Beckman fine art offers oil and acrylic paintings to the art buying public. Dale Beckman contemporary landscape paintings are modern paintings of the American west. This colorful wall art will add an interesting dimension to any room. Dale Beckman online gallery offers several landscape paintings for sale.
Fall is here and the Pintler mountains already have a coat of snow. The air has a crisp bite to it and the trees are changing their colors.
This is a view of the Dearborn river, north of Helena. Digital reproductions are available. Click on image.
Ink and pastel on paper
11" x 14"
This is a black ink drawing that I colored with pastel.
Birdseye landscape #5
Mixed media on paper
17.5" x 23.5"
Another mixed media work on paper. Another view of the back side of "Scratch Gravel".
Birdseye landscape #4
Mixed media on paper
17.5" x 23.5"
This is a mixed media on paper. I started it on location and completed it in the studio. These are some mountains just north of Helena.
Birdseye landscape #3
Mixed media on paper
11" x 14"
The old Mullen Pass goes over the continental divide just to the right of these mountains.
This is a view of "Scratch Gravel" from the north. Helena is just on the other side of these mountains.
Birdseye landscape #2
Ink on paper
16" x 20"
Birdseye landscape #1
Color ink on paper
11" x 14"
This is just north of Helena in a development called, " Birdseye ". It was a hot autumn day that I did this color ink drawing. The air was still and I could hear a bull elk bugling far off in the distance.
Lone Tree
Ink on paper
9" x 12"
This is a color ink drawing on paper that I did just outside of Helena. It was a sunny day and a strong cold wind blew. A weather front was passing through the area as I sat upon the ground and observed the passing of the day.
South Helena #2
Ink and pastel on paper
15" x 19 "
Small mountains just outside of Helena.
South Helena #1
Ink and pastel on paper
15" x 19"
Some of the small mountains just south of East Helena. Drawn on location in black ink. Colored at the studio. Metallic colors not represented well in this photograph.
Fractal fall
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 36"
Autumn in the Pintler mountain range outside of Philipsburg. No sky, just mountains.
Winter haunts the Elkhorn mountains
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 36"
Winter in Montana can be every bit as brutal as legend describes. Climate change has brought about several very mild winters, however lately, the bitter deep freeze of winter has returned.
Approaching Garrison
Acrylic on canvas
24" x 36"
Fine Art